Exhibition View

Which are today the new places for aestetic contemplation?

Museums are going to be more and more as Giant Bookshops, Super Restaurants and Fashion Cafès, and sometimes the exhibition display is not necessary anymore.

I could recognize this kind of aestetic attitude during my experience as Promoter Brand Specialist to gain some money more besides my job as artist, inside the new model for the place of aesthetic contemplation: the Departement Stores.

Museums and the languages of aesthetics criticism are going to be assumed by the Departement Stores, which can resume the fascination of the object, the illusion of possess and the consequent illusion of democracy in fruition of beauty.

Everyone is feeling accepted in the meaning of Beauty in Dept. Stores: the structure of mass-media communication let us perceive that we need someone who help us to desire what is really beautiful and necessary to be satisfied in our aesthetic attitude.

During my experience I had to do training briefings, psychological tests, selection by Agencies, and the focus point of multinational companies was that the Promoter, more than the seller, is "the human incarnation of a Business".

For 8 hours per day, two days per week or more according to the season, Promoters forget their real human life to humanize the Trade Companies.

But sometimes something different could happen.

My works would try, on one hand, to show the aesthetic fascination of merchandise on the people; on the other hand it would tend to underline the possibility of going out the iron structures of capitalism system, in which everything is planned to work as it has to, but if we just shift and play with their own gears a little, we can discover new possibilities for a critic glance about

the inner sense of Beauty.

Catalogue /E-Bookhttps://vimeo.com/55434904

How to Seduce a Costumer:

in few second trying to understand what he desires and acting in



Series of 31 Pictures

2 Posters

This series shows my colleagues during my experience as Promoter Brand Specialist in

MediaWorld, Milan.

My focus is to show the real process of humanization that companies would aim to sell their products, but changing its direction. I asked them to play the role of being their products themselves, to stage absurd situation and to forget, in few words, the role which, most of time, doesn’t belong to them at all. We all tried to recover our sense of Beauty, instead to obligate the rules of who’s misunderstanding the experience of aesthetic with a tool to produce business.

The posters are the portraits of a young couple of fiancée, both of them promoter in Auchan Dept. Store, to whom I asked to pose, referring to Piero della Francesca’s Double Portrait of Dukes of Urbino, with their realm on the background, but facing directly their audience/customers.

The Spring Exhibition 2013

Click here for the videohttps://vimeo.com/55434904

If You have any Question, this is a good moment to pose them, ok?

Well, see you later then.


Video DV

The ongoing images inside a corridor of a Department Store Auchan nearby Milan has been recorded with an hidden camera under my desk for the promotion of a sim card.

It focuses about the sense to try to build an aesthetic sense in a condition of submission to a system to gain some money.

This is also an effort not to forget who you are in your own life and not let the companies assume your identity too.

During the Video, the voice over you’re listening has been recorded during my Training Briefing in order to sell shavers in Milan, and the final speech is the dialogue between a costumer and a group of promoters during the work inside the Department Store about how to be a promoter and the necessary know-how.

No subtitles will be displayed not to arouse the images.

A sheet with translation will be available